Reminder in Excel

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In Excel, the MOD function is used to return the remainder after a number is divided by another number. The syntax for the MOD function is as follows:

=MOD(number, divisor) 
  • number: The number for which you want to find the remainder.
  • divisor: The number by which you want to divide the number to find the remainder.

Here's an example:

=MOD(7, 3) 

In this example, the function returns 1 because 10 divided by 3 is 3 with a remainder of 1.

You can also use cell references as arguments. For instance:

=MOD(B1, B2) 

This formula would return the remainder when the value in cell B1 is divided by the value in cell B2.

Assuming you have the dividend (N) in cell B1 and the divisor (D) in cell B2, you can use the following formula in another cell to calculate the remainder:

= B1 - B2 * INT(B1/B2)

This formula subtracts the product of the divisor and the integer division from the dividend, giving you the remainder.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. `B1/B2`: This calculates the result of the division.
2. `INT(B1/B2)`: This gives you the integer part of the division result.
3. `B1 * INT(A1/B1)`: This calculates the product of the divisor and the integer part.
4. `B1 - B1 * INT(B2/B1)`: This subtracts the product from the original dividend, giving you the remainder.

Adjust the cell references (A1 and B1) according to your actual data in Excel.

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