User Interface

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When you open Excel 2016 for the first time, the Excel Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to create a new workbook, choose a template, and access your recently edited workbooks.

  • From the Excel Start Screen, locate and select Blank workbook to access the Excel interface.

    The Excel Start screen

After opening Excel, you will see two windows. 

  • The Application Window : The Application Window provides the space for your worksheets and workbook elements such as charts. (means the functions which help to work on workbook such as
    • The Quick Access Toolbar
    • The Ribbon
    • The Formula Bar and etc are part of  The Application Window
  • The  Workbook Window : When we working with excel spreed sheets, the function appear that are the workbook window such as
    • The Scrolling Buttons
    • The Scroll Bars

Notes: To set up Excel so it automatically opens a new workbook
               1. Click File then Options. 
               2. On the General tab, under Start up options, uncheck the Show the Start screen when this application starts box.
               3. The next time you start Excel, it opens a blank workbook automatically similar to older versions of Excel.