How and Where Html

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Open a simple text editor. On Windows computers, the default simple text editor is Notepad.

  • Windows - Click Start
  • Type in notepad, and click Notepad.
  • After writing the Html code for example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>Introduction of Html</h1>
<p>Hyper Institute of Technology has a wide network of centres offering IT courses for everyone- from a beginner who wants to learn computer basics to a software engineer who wishes to take a global certification exam.</p>
  • Click File. It's in the upper-left side of the screen
  • Click Save. This is near the top of the drop-down menu.
  • Enter an HTML name for your file. Replace the name in the "Save As" text field with whatever name you want followed by .html
  • For example, for a document named "hyper", you'd enter hyper.html here
  • Click Save. Your HTML document will be saved in your default save location (e.g., Desktop).
  • You can open the HTML page file in most browsers by clicking and dragging the file onto an open browser window.