Earliest Computer
- Originally calculations were computed by humans, whose job title was computers.
- These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a mathematical expression.
- The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive, requiring years of training in mathematics.
- The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century
Tally Sticks:
- A tally stick was an ancient memory aid device to record and document numbers, quantities, or even messages.
Abacus An abacus is a mechanical device used to aid an individual in performing mathematical calculations.
- The abacus was invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C.
- The abacus in the form we are most familiar with was first used in China in around 500 B.C.
- It used to perform basic arithmetic operations.
Napier’s Bones
- Invented by John Napier in 1614.
- Allowed the operator to multiply, divide and calculate square and cube roots by moving the rods around and placing them in specially constructed boards
Slide Rule
- Invented by William Oughtred in 1622.
- Is based on Napier's ideas about logarithms.
- Used primarily for
- Division
- Roots
- Logarithms
- Trigonometry
- Multiplication
- Not normally used for addition or subtraction. William Oughtred Slide Rule CSCA0101 Computing.
Stepped Reckoner
- Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672.
- The machine that can add, subtract, multiply and divide automatically.
- A mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de Colmar in 1820,
- The first reliable, useful and commercially successful calculating machine.
- The machine could perform the four basic mathematic functions.
- The first mass-produced calculating machine.
Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
- It an automatic, mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
- Invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834
- It is the first mechanical computer.
First Computer Programmer
- In 1840, Augusta Ada Byron suggests to Babbage that he use the binary system.
- She writes programs for the Analytical Engine.
Scheutzian Calculation Engine
- Invented by Per Georg Scheutz in 1843.
- Based on Charles Babbage's difference engine.
- The first printing calculator.
Tabulating Machine
- Invented by Herman Hollerith in 1890.
- To assist in summarizing information and accounting.
Havard Mark 1
- Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC).
- Invented by Howard H. Aiken in 1943 • The first electro-mechanical computer.
- The first programmable computer.
- Created by Konrad Zuse in Germany from 1936 to 1938.
- To program the Z1 required that the user insert punch tape into a punch tape reader and all output was also generated through punch tape.
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
- It was the first electronic digital computing device.
- Invented by Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry at Iowa State University between 1939 and 1942
- The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1) was the first commercial computer.
- Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
The First Portable Computer
- Osborne 1 – the first portable computer.
- Released in 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation
The First Computer Company
- The first computer company was the Electronic Controls Company.
- Founded in 1949 by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.