The Indian society has always shown the capacity of readjustment. Such form of adjustment is done through our principle of “Live and let live”, which is found in the spirit of toleration. It has characterised Indian history throughout the ages and has been the policy of the Indians in all spheres of life. The rays of civilization fell and shone (sranftltr ?[f) I on many countries. But they are all dead and gone. But in India he old civilization and culture have grown and changed.
They have never grown or changed at the expense of underlying unity. The capacity of readjustment exhibited in the Indian Society is sometimes followed to such an extent that it creates an unfaourable condition. As such it appears that the capacity of readjustment exhibited is not the weakness of Indian society. It is the noble qualities which it preserves. In this sense it is rather the strength of our Indian society, as “Live and let live” has been the policy of the Indians in all spheres of life.