What did the narrator do with the wounded squirrel ?

The narrator gently lifted the squirrel up from the ground and brought it to her room and wiped the flood from his wound try by using cotton wool and applied pencillin ointment. The narrator tried to feed the squirrel by somehow putting a thin cotton wool wick, to dip in milk in his mouth but the squirrel was unable to open his mouth and drips of milk only slid down from both sides but after few hours the narrator tended to manage to pour one drop of water in his mouth. But on the 3rd day, he becomes much better and assured that he would use his two tiny claws to hold her finger and gaze all around with his blue glass beads like eyes and in 3-4 months, the squirrel astonished everyone with his smooth fur, hushy tail and naughty, refiuegent eyes.